Cybersecurity is the study of methods, models, and systems that ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of computer systems subject to attack and misuse. Cybersecurity is increasingly important because human lives are now more dependent on cyberspace and the software systems that operate it. As a field, cybersecurity depends on two fundamental categories of ideas. One is cryptography, which is a joint field between computer science and mathematics that secures data at rest or in communication channels. The other is systems security, which studies system architectures that are more secure and resilient against intelligent and persistent attacks.
What does the Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity offer?
The Bachelor of Science degree in Cybersecurity was initiated in the Summer of 2024 in the Department of Computer Science at Kuwait University. The degree provides the students with a deep technical knowledge of computer science and an in-depth study of computer security fundamentals, cryptography, and network security. The students finish their degree with a final computer security design class in which they develop a computer security solution, representing the knowledge gained in their studies. The program graduate can work as a cybersecurity officer, a security-aware system administrator, a secure software developer, or a security audit officer, among many other possibilities.
Who are the cybersecurity faculty?
The computer science department includes faculty members educated in highly reputable universities. There are active research projects in security or related areas. See the faculty profile page for more details.
What are the admission requirements?
For information on admission requirements and process, please check with the deanship of admission and registration.
What are the transfer rules for KU students?
Passing 0418-101, 0418-143, and 0418-231 with a minimum grade of C.
What are the program requirements? (127 credits)
University Compulsory Requirement (15 credits)
- 0310-101 Language Skills Communication
- 0330-100 Modern and Cont. Hist. of Kuwait
- 0330-102 Arab Islam Civilization
- 9988-161 English Language I
- 9988-162 English Language II
University Elective Requirement (12 credits)
College of Science Compulsory Requirement (12 credits)
- 0410-101 Calculus I (3)
- 0410-102 Calculus II (3, Pre: 0410-101)
- 0410-111 Linear Algebra (3)
- 0480-201 Statistics for Science & Engineering (3)
College of Science Elective Requirement (9 credits)
Computer Science Compulsory Requirement (34 credits)
- 0418-101 Introduction to Computer Science (3)
- 0418-111 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science (3)
- 0418-143 Fundamentals of Computer Programming (4, Pre: 101)
- 0418-201 Data Structures & Algorithms (3, Pre: 143)
- 0418-220 Programming in C & UNIX (3, Pre: 143)
- 0418-221 Computer Organization (4, Pre: 220)
- 0418-310 Theory of Computation (3, Pre: 111)
- 0418-320 Principles of Computer Systems (4, Pre: 221)
- 0418-321 Operating Systems (3, Pre: 320)
- 0418-331 Computer Networks (4, Pre: 320)
Computer Science Elective Requirement (12 credits)
- 0418-301 Algorithms Design & Analysis (3)
- 0418-335 Web Development (3)
- 0418-346 Declarative Programming (3)
- 0418-347 Compiler Design (3)
- 0418-365 Artificial Intelligence (3)
- 0418-390 Software Engineering (3)
- 0418-416 Modeling & Performance Eval. (3)
- 0418-426 Embedded Microprocessor Sys. (3)
- 0418-455 Computer Graphics (3)
- 0418-466 Intro. to Machine Learning (3)
- 0418-470 Database Systems (4)
- 0418-496 Topics in Computer Science I (3)
- 0418-497 Topics in Computer Science II (3)
Security Compulsory Requirement (15 credits)
- 0418-231 Introduction to Computer Security (3, Pre: 220)
- 0418-312 Applied Cryptography (3, Pre: 231, 310)
- 0418-348 Secure Programming (3, Pre: 231)
- 0418-435 Network Security (3, Pre: 312, 320)
- 0418-493 Computer Security Design (3, Pre: 435)
Security Elective Requirement (6 credits)
- 0418-391 Cloud Computing Fundamentals (3)
- 0418-415 Information Theory and Cryptography (3)
- 0418-425 Distributed and Parallel Systems (3)
- 0418-498 Topics in Computer Security (3)
- 0410-261 Introduction to Abstract Algebra (3)
- 1830-432 Cybersecurity in Healthcare (3)
Interdisciplinary Requirement (12 credits)
- 1830-351 Info Technology and Cyber Ethics (3, Pre: 230)
- 1830-434 Security Operations (3, Pre: 230)
- 1830-435 Digital Security Forensics (3, Pre: 230)
- 1830-436 Usable Security and Privacy (3, Pre: 230)
Course Dependency Graph for Cybersecurity